"Katie is an exceptional math tutor. She has a very strong grasp of the material but, more importantly than that, Katie has an amazing gift for successfully translating the information to her students. She has been an invaluable resource for my children."
Pauline L.
Getting help is easier than you think.
Getting help is easier than you think.
Need help with homework? SAT or ACT prep? Homeschool? Let us know what you’re looking for so we can provide you with the best support possible!
Search our list of instructors to find someone who meets your needs and budget.
Let us know when you’re available to meet, and we’ll book your lesson for you!
We Offer a Variety of Services
Tahoe Tutoring offers a unique approach to learning by offering services that tailor to individual lifestyles and schedules. We can meet with you at our office or come to your home if that’s more convenient. Just tell us what you’re looking for and we can help!

One-on-one tutoring not only allows you to feel more comfortable when you learn, but also helps you catch up, excel, and go at your own pace.

Some students work well alone; others in a group. Group Tutoring allows you to bounce ideas off others and save on the price per session.

Our after school sessions allow students to drop in and get the support they need. Tutors will be on hand to help students tackle their assignments and feel good about their progress in school. No appointment necessary.

Time is more slippery than ever. In such a fast-paced world, we are trying to do homework, hang out with friends, and make it to practice. If you need to squeeze in a session between activities, Tahoe Tutoring can deliver.

Whether you’re looking for support for your homeschooling efforts or for someone to take the lead on teaching your son or daughter, Tahoe Tutoring works with all types of learners.

Preparing for standardized tests isn’t easy. Tahoe Tutoring can help you strengthen your weaknesses, learn to manage your time better and build your confidence so you’re ready for test day.

Meeting with a college counselor helps you explore options before high school graduation. We can advise on schools that best fit you, assist with the application process, and coach you to feel less stressed while making life-changing decisions.

Taking an online class and need to take a written exam? Look no further! Tahoe Tutoring can provide professional test proctoring services. We will work with your teacher or institution to ensure that you take your exam under the appropriate conditions. Our facility offers private accommodations so that you can relax and focus on the task at hand. Price: $20/hr.
What Our Clients Say
For us, the best way to gauge success, is through client reviews. We take all feedback very seriously to constantly improve our services. Here you can read about the experiences people have had with Tahoe Tutoring (formerly High Tide Tutoring). As they say, “the proof is in the pudding!”

“We so enjoyed Patrick! He did such a wonderful job keeping Preston engaged and was so creative with all the ways he approached reading and writing. Couldn't have been happier with how it went!”
Kira H.

“Katie was absolutely instrumental in helping my daughter do well in both semesters of her high school Algebra 2 class. Not only was she able to explain the math to her in a way that she could understand it, but she was also very flexible in working around my daughter’s soccer and skiing schedules. We are so grateful for her!”
Suzanne J.
Are you interested in becoming a tutor?
Qualified. Committed. Enthusiastic. Our tutors follow their passion and teach what they know. Come join our team if you want to make a difference.
Blog Posts
Find out what’s happening in Tahoe, the world of tutoring, and beyond!
Positive Thinking
People often mention the power of positive thinking, but where is the evidence that it actually works? Scientists have yet to prove that telling yourself over and over that you will be successful results in Read more…
How Much Screen Time is Too Much?
Electronic device screens have become a staple of many modern homes for both parents and children. Beyond the television, laptops, tablets and smart phones are now governing how we work, learn and entertain. The debate Read more…
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